
Assuming you googled for a solution to your misery; crawled up in a couch, wearing pijamas all teary eyed and didnt take a shower in 2 days cuz you dont care, means you came to the right place.

End of any relationship is awful… It might be 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years. If you put your heart out there and get hurt, there is nothing you can do but take the responsibility for your own actions. There is always that one relationship with a guy we go back and forth, same mistakes, like a snowball of pain and agony that keeps growing as we try to push the relationship forward. We dont want to see the only reason is because we let them hurt us. 

Dont you worry my ladies. It all happened to us, happening right now, somewhere to many women…Doesnt mean we aren’t beautiful, amazing and one of a kind ; we deserve the best treatment. If you even slightly feel your not valued and loved, get out before you can. We have extraordinary sixth senses that were evolved-I imagine to protect our children and communicate- much more than men who are hunters and logical thinkers. Use that sixth sense! You can tell something is off, you can tell he will make you miserable but you decide to go on a journey to make him magically fall in love with you so that one day he will realize and stop being such a jerk, treat you as the princess you are? Nope. He. Never.will.

This is where our punishment comes in… Assuming you tried everything on the list of things a confident , self- loving woman should never do : Calling him endlessly, taking him back whenever he wants, having sex with him no strings attached, Begging, trying to reason with him , trying to convince him your the one for him, wrote him long letters explaining how he hurt you, accepting his request to stay friends so he can move on without feeling guilty….List goes on but the result never changes. It hurts you, stops you from moving on and getting back your power. 


Lets call this Jerks J’s. J’s dont deserve you in their life. In any way. 


If that isnt clear enough let me put it this way.


They dont  give a fuck about you so why do you? J is out there looking for a different piece of meat to enjoy. J is watching porn, talking to 5 different people at a time, J is not bothered by disturbing thoughts of you being with other men… Atleast now. But hopefully when he does care, you will be out of fucks to give! 🙂


1. Stop all communication (No contact but without a time frame ; ok atleast a month and by this I mean drop out of the face of the earth, no mails, no answering texts, like you dont exist in his world)

2. Find a hobby, write down things you enjoy doing.

3. Improve yourself, easier said than done but read a book, write a blog, get a job etc) 

4. Imagine your life at the top, feel good about the future. Give it a try. Meditation can help.

5. Music is a healer, go on long walks at night with inspiring music. Also good for workout.

6. Workout. This goes with improve your looks, haircuts, sexy clothes.

7. If you can find a different group to hangout, new people means new experiences. 

8. Be busy making money. AnyWay you can. Go take that extra job, work night and day, who cares about men and relationships. Your busy getting money. 

Now if you still feel like you cant help but want him back; think of this, 

It cant get any worse and this works for getting him back too. Plus why would you want him back if he treats you poorly ; write down the reasons why he sucks and see if you still logically do. If you decided you want him back continue ignoring but when he comes back crawling (nothing less than that) you have the choice to take him back or shut him off. Dont come back crying here telling me the same things happened and your hearts broken the 74847th time by this guy. 


No Mercy.











Dont check your facebook challenge is basically what it says ; you are not supposed to check your facebook, not even take a small peak at it for 3 days. You will say , why 3 days , why not 2 or a week? It is basically a good amount of time to feel disconnected from the online world and short enough that people dont start getting worried. You might have several reasons to take on this challenge that I will personally participate with you.

  • You just broke up and constantly checking your ex’s facebook page doesnt help
  • You will be more productive and push yourself to find other activities replacing the time you spend on facebook
  • End of the challenge, when you sign in, you will find out who actually gives a fuck about you.
  • You will learn life is possible without facebook.
  • It will raise you will power
  • Challenges are fun Continue reading



This is something I recently came to notice and its a growing trend. Getting boob jobs or this job or that job after breaking up with a boyfriend. We women have that thing about working our way up to make him regret the break up and next time he sees us, he will be drooling before our new additions.

And then there are those who get it under the impression their boyfriends or husbands arent satisfied or as we all now some of those jerks indeed imply that they would prefer bigger cups.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation was the number one cosmetic surgery in the country in 2011 with 307,000 women getting the procedure. This is a 4 percent increase from the previous year and a 45 percent increase from 2000. Are we for real?



So many of these women just need a better boyfriend or husband if theyre made to feel inferior to other women in boob size. I mean who cares ? Female form is much better and visually satisfying compared to men, whoever comes up to you even subtly suggest you would look better is an asshole. Get rid of him. Dont look back. Infact he did you a favor.

Ok now there are exceptions to this , so many mothers lose breast tissue after giving birth, it sags like a half empty balloon or you might have very small boobs and without any connection to your partner you always wanted it, those cases are ofcourse justified, everyone deserves to feel confident in their body, feel sexy so I strongly suggest unless your doing it on a whim to make one person regret. Boobs all look nice. As a girl I like boobs. I sometimes get undress and watch them if Im bored too.

But asses are even better , thats why god placed them in the back.




Be as seductive as Cleopatra

imageIn the year 48 B.C, Ptolemy 14th of Egypt managed to depose and exile his sister and wife,  QUeen Cleopatra. He secured the country’s borders against her return and began to rule on his own. Later that year , Julius Caesar came to Alexandria to ensure that despite the local power struggles, Egypt would remain loyal to Rome.

One night Ceasar ws meeting with his generals int he Egyptian Palace, discussing strategy, when a guard entered to report that a Greek merchant was at the door bearing a large and valuable gift for the Roman leader. Caesar , in the miod for a little fun, gave the merchant permission to enter. The man came in, carrying on his shoulders a large rolled-up carpet. He undid the rope and around the bundle and with a snap of his wrists unfurled it, revealing the young Cleopatra, who had been hidden inside, and who rose up half clothed before Caesar and his guests, like  Venus emerging from the waves.



Everyone was dazzled at the sight of the beautiful young queen appearing before them suddenly as if in a dream. They were astounded at her daring and theatricality- smuggled into the harbor at night with only man to protect her , risking everything on a bold move. No one was more enchanted than Caesar, According to the Roman writer Dio Cassius, “Cleopatra was in the prime of life. She had adelightful voice which couldnt not fail to cast a spell over all who heard it. Suchw as the charm of her person and speech that they drew the coldest and most determined misogynist into her toils.Caesar was spellbound as soon as he set eyes on her and she opened her mouth to speak.” That same evening Cleopatra became Caesar’s lover.

Caesar had had numerous mistresses before, to divert him from the rigors of his campaigns.But he had always disposed of them quickly  to return to what really thrilled him– political intrigue, challenges of warfare, the Roman theater. Caesar had seen women try anything to keep him under their spell. Yet nothing prepared him for Cleopatra. One night she would tell him how together they could revive the glory of Alexander the Great, and rule the world like gods. The next she would entertain him dressed as the goddess Isis, surrounded by the opulence of her court. Cleopatra initiated Caesar int he most decadent revelries, presenting herself as the incarnation of the Egyptian exotic.His life with her was a constant game, as challenging as warfare, for the moment he felt sexure with her she would suddenly turn cold or angry and he would have to find a way to regain her favor.

The weeks went by . Caesar got rid of all Cleopatra’s  rivals and found excuses to stay in Egypt. At one point she led him on a lavish expedition down the Nile. In a boat of unimaginable splendor- towering fiftyfour feet out of the water, including several terraced levels and a pillard temple to the god Dionysus- Caesar became one of the few Romans to gaze on the pyramids.And while he stayed long in Egypt, away from his throne in Rome, all kinds of turmoil erupted throughout the Roman Empire.

When Caesar was murdered in 44 B.C., he was succeeded by a triumvirate of rulers including Mark Anthony, a brave soldier who loved pleasure and spectacle and fancied himself a kind of Roman Dionysus. A few years later, while Anthony was in Syria, Cleopatra invited him to come meet her in the Egyptian town of Tarsus. There- once she had made him wait for her- her appereance was as startling in its way as her first before Caesar. A magnificent gold barge with purple sails appeared on the river Cydnus.The oarsmen rowed to the accompaniment of ethereal music; all around the boat were beautiful young girls dressed as nymphs and mythological figures. Cleopatra sat on deck , sorrounded and fanned by cupids and posed as the goddess Aphrodite, whose name the crowd chanted enthusiastically.

Like all of Cleopatra’s victims, Anthony felt mixed emotions.The exotic pleasures she offered were hard to resist. But he also wanted to tame her- to defeat this proud and illustrious woman would prove his greatness. And so he stayed, and, like Caesar, fell slowly under her spell. She indulged him in all of his weaknesses- gambling, raucous parties, elaborate rituals, lavish spectacles. To get him to come back to Rome, Octavius, another member of the Roman triumvirate, offered him a wife: Octavius’s own sister, Octavia, one of the most beautiful women in Rome.Known for her virtue and goodness, she could surely keep Anthony away from the “Egyptian Whore.” The ploy worked for a while, but Anthony was unable to forget Cleopatra , and after three years he went back to her. This time it was for good: he had in essence become Cleopatra’s slave, granting her immense powers, adopting Egyptian dress and customs, and renouncing the ways of Rome.

Only one image of Cleopatra survives- a barely visible profile on a coin- but we have numerous written descriptions. She had a long thin face and a somewhat pointed nose; her dominant features were her wonderfully large eyes. Her seductive power , however, did not lie in her looks- indeed many among the women of Alexandria were considered more beautiful than she. What she did have above all other women was the ability to distract a man. Im reality Cleopatra was physically unexceptional and had no political power, yet both Caesar and Anthony , brave and clever men, saw none of this. What they saw was a woman who constantly transformed herself before their eyes, a one-woman spectacle.Her dres and make up changed from day to day, but always gave her a heightened, goddesslike appereance.

Her voice, which all writers talk of, was lilting and intoxicating. Her words could be banal enough, but were spoken so sweetly that listeners would find themselves remembering not what she said but how she said it.

Cleopatra provides constant variety- tributes, mock, battles, expeditions, costumed orgies. Everything had a touch of drama ans was accomplished with great energy. By the time your head lay on the pillow beside her, your mind was spinning with images and dreams. And just when you thought you had this fluid, larger-than life woman, she would turn distant or angry, making it clear that everything was on her terms. You never possessed Cleopatra, you worshiped her. In this way a woman who had been exiled and destined for an early death managed to turn it all around and rule Egypt for close to twenty years.

From Cleopatra we learn that it is not beauty that makes a Siren but rather a theathrical streak that allows a woman to embody a man’s fantasies. A man grows bored with a woman, no matter how beautiful; he yearns for different pleasures, and adventure. All a woman needs to turn this around is to create the illusion that she offers such variety and adventure.A man is easily deceived by appereances; he has a weakness for the visual. Create that physical appereance ( heightened sexual allure mixed with a regal and theatrical manner) and he is trapped. He cannot grow blred with you yet hec annot discard you. Keep up the distractions , and never let him see who you really are. He will follow you until he drowns.

Art of Seduction -Robert Greene



Women hate each other?


 I truly agree with the fact that women immensely hate each other , perhaps as a result of biological competition to get a man or  because some  women are truly, complete assholes. When we gossip its usually about other women aswell… How Ann’s new haircut makes her cheeks look chubby or how that bitch in the office wears tight skirts that make her already fat but look fatter, watever it is we are  gossiping  about; we aren’t usually too positive about our female counterparts.Half-hearted compliments from your friends just cuz they feel jealous is especially obvious and fake. Nothing makes me cringe more than two nasty biotches meeting each other for the first time and faking it.

We steal each others boyfriends. We talk behind each others back. If there is a couple walking by, women usually first check the other women , men next to them usually go unnoticed for the simple fact we are too busy checking each other out, comparing and hating each other. Idk if any of you guys know who JennaMarbles aka Jenna Mourey is but check out her video on top cuz the bitch is crazy; in a good way.

Why should we change this? One simple reason. Men mostly have each others back which makes them much stronger. Friendships they have arent too easy to ruin by some chick. (Not saying it never happens , its just much more rare when Its compared to female-female relationships.)

Girls easily abandon their friends when it comes to a guy but guys usually dont.

“Chicks before Dicks” vs “Bros before hoes” Thats what we should improve.

Take this example ;

Last night one guy ditched me during some intimate convo we were having just cuz his guy friend that he always sees came to play guitar or something. Wtf? If my girlfriend arrived I wouldnt prioritize her prob haha. Its normal…We ve been competing forever. Imagine if women had each others back and never talked shit about each other …did you imagine?
Nope I couldnt either. Because that wouldve been a crazy world.

Maybe thats why Im gonna be one of those girls who only hangs out with guys cuz they dont cause emotional drama and theyre just fun.FUCK.

I do believe we should unite and be less harsh to other women, plus our girlfriends will most likely live out our husbands. What do you think?



Friedrich nietzsche

“The true man wants two things : danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

We are women , we are special and more complex in every way. Most of us forget it so very often and fall into self-pity. Now is the time to claim back that power and beauty back into our lives from that jerk who doesnt call us back, from that guy who cheated on us, from that asshole who underestimated our potential because we are supposedly the inferior gender.

This evil little blog will give you everyday tools and a self-fullfilling journey to rediscover yourself and rule your life. I promise to experience it with you as the author.

Welcome to